Red River Brick & Building Materials
Your single source building material partner
Our dedicated representatives at Red River Brick (RRB) & Building Materials work with customers to deliver projects which are on trend, on schedule and on budget. Whether you’re designing a stadium, building your dream house, or dressing up your living room with an accent wall, Red River Brick is your trusted single source partner for any size job.
Our locations offer Brick, Thin Brick, Stone, Stucco and everything needed for installation.
Visit a Red River Brick & Building Materials location today for the quality products you trust coupled with unparalleled service.

The expert for homeowners
Our representatives have the industry experience homeowners appreciate. Drawing on years of expertise, our reps are knowledgeable about what is on trend and how to get the look you desire.

A partner for the trades
Our team has construction expertise and masonry, brick, stone and wall systems technical knowledge. With Red River Brick, architects, specifiers, builders and installers have a consultant to help take projects from conception to completion.