Residential Multi-Family Gold Winner of the 2020 Brick in Architecture Awards by the Brick Industry Association and 2019 Project of the Year by the Quebec Masonry Contractors Association, Adhoc Architectes used a carefully structured approach appealing to an urbanistic and pedestrian lifestyle while melding with the surrounding architecture. The quietly perfect outcome makes a resounding statement not easily overlooked.
Full depth brick was determined to be the best solution for this project to ensure the new build integrated with surrounding brick properties and incorporated resilient design. To differentiate the project from others in the area, Adhoc Architectes designed 4 buildings using 8 custom blends, 10 products and 120,000 brick. Each building incorporated 2 different custom blends to ensure no two buildings were alike. In order to create a comprehensive and unified design, the carefully curated blends on each building were chosen according to the immediate neighboring buildings. The brick colors selected reflect tones seen in the neighborhood, providing pleasing continuity and historical context for the contemporary architecture.
Unsurpassed design coupled with remarkable masonry craftsmanship by Maçonnerie G.Y. & Maçonnerie Perrotto, culminated in a project which clearly stands out.